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CARDET newsletter – July


We have completed the 1st year of our SWPBS project, implementing the Positive Behaviour Support approach in 46 schools in Cyprus, Greece, and Romania. In this first year, we have engaged more than 2,000 teachers and 20,000 students! In Cyprus, we have visited 16 primary schools with our partners from the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute.
SWPBS will be back in schools in September 2020, when a total of 33 primary schools are expected to implement the PBS approach in Cyprus. Stay tuned with SWPBS online at the project’s website and on Facebook.


We have implemented a series of workshops with young people on, as part of our SELF-E project. At the workshops, participants tested the SELF-E self-learning material for self-employment and gave feedback on its functionality and relevance with the needs of youth. The SELF-E self-learning material was developed along with a toolkit for youth workers in the project’s aim to foster self-employment among young people.


Our project SOCI@LL has launched an online platform with useful tools and resources for schools and local authorities to promote social inclusion inside and outside of classrooms. The platform, SOCI@ALL Hub, will host the toolkits for school leaders, teachers, and local authorities, online courses, self-assessment tools and, and an online forum.


The Enacted project has launched an online survey on the needs and challenges faced by educators in the effort to integrate newly arrived students with immigrant biography. The research findings will be used to create a networking platform connecting European Civil Society Organisations and schools, aiming to provide quality and inclusive education for all learners.
You can take part in the research by clicking HERE (English) and HERE (Greek).


The ACTIVE project released a transnational and national reports with the main findings on child safeguarding in sports from a Needs Assessment conducted in Cyprus, Greece, Italy, and Portugal. The project aims to promote child safeguarding policies by sports clubs, extra-curricular activities organisations and leisure and recreational clubs working with children.


The summer lessons of our project Geia Xara have begun! Geia Xara provides Greek language lessons to third country national children in 5 schools in Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca, and Paphos. The lessons will take place from the end of July until the end of August.


The DEHORS project has implemented a series of fun and engaging outdoor activities in kindergartens. The implementations aimed to test activities developed by partners and provide recommendations and resources for their employment by teachers. The activities will form an Online Interactive Map for pre-school teachers, expected to be available to the public in October 2020.


The project Gen-Z: Developing Competencies and Opportunities for Social Media Entrepreneurship has developed a set of inspiring infographics on the profiles of Social Media Entrepreneurs! The 16 infographics were developed by the project partners to motivate and support young people to engage with entrepreneurship through social media. To view the infographics, click on the picture below:


You still have time to fill out the questionnaire we have prepared for the survey we are carrying out on the implementation of Distance Learning and Teaching in recent months. The research aims to examine and record how distance education was implemented in public schools, the practices and tools that were used, the challenges teachers faced and good practices that have emerged. The findings of the research will pave the way for concrete suggestions to be put forward for the next steps to be taken in implementing distance learning in Cyprus. You can complete the questionnaire HERE.
CARDET team group photo in Limassol, July 2020


2020 has been a busy year for CARDET. Working tirelessly on a record-high number of projects as well as submitting an exceptional number of new proposals meant that we had serious cause for celebration! Factoring in all of this that we had to deal with the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic, called for some quality team downtime. When the lockdown measures finally eased off at the beginning of the summer, we organised a fun day out, in the form of a beach party, dedicated to all our hard-working staff. On Friday 3rd July, all members of our team took a few hours off to take part in energising and fun, teambuilding activities before enjoying some fish meze at the Governor’s beach in Limassol.
Have you ever been to Beijing, New York, Athens, or Rome on the same day? Have you ever traveled to the outer space or dived into the deepest oceanic rift? If the answer is no, then you probably haven’t experienced Virtual Reality yet.
Check out the video of our project Viral Skills on the groundbreaking potentials of Virtual Reality technologies in education!