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CARDET newsletter – September


The challenges of young people in their path towards employment were discussed in the forum we have organised together with the Cyprus Youth Council as part of our SELF-E project on September 12, 2020. The forum was an excellent opportunity for the team of the project to present SELF-E’s outputs and achievements demonstrating new approaches and methods to support young people and help them nurture their career.
The event featured a round table discussion with 3 key-note speakers from different professional backgrounds and was followed by an engaging exchange of views where different approaches and experiences were explored by the participants. The Forum also featured two parallel workshop, giving participants the opportunity to choose from and take part in: a workshop showcasing the tools developed by SELF-E and the added value they can offer to youth workers and a workshop illustrating the prospects and added value of the guiding tools to support youth employment our project Youthshare offers.

Our eMysteries project has released a Toolbox on Close Reading Mystery Detective Stories, a first of its kind toolkit with resources, practices, and examples for teachers to include detective fiction with the use of their mobile devices. The eMysteries Toolbox is built around four modules, and it can either be used independently or be utilised by teachers to engage their students in learning. The Toolbox is available in English, German, Greek, Spanish, and Portuguese on eMysteries’ website.

On September 3, our team visited the Elementary School of Mathiatis to introduce teachers to the toolkits developed by our SOCI@LL project. Teachers of the Mathiatis School had the chance to learn more about the Toolkit for Leaders and the Toolkit for Educators as well as receive information on how they can take advantage of them to introduce and promote social inclusion initiatives within the school community. The toolkits are available on the project’s website.

On September 14, 2020, we met our partners of the 3Cs- ‘Taking the climate change challenge’ project online for the project’s 2nd meeting. The meeting was an opportunity for us to discuss the progress of the project’s outputs, aiming to build the capacities of youth workers to inspire young people to take action against climate change.

A unique new project, SAFE YOUTH, has officially kicked off its work with its first partner meeting this month! This new extremely interesting project entitled The Science of Sexuality Education and Youth Work seeks to support and empower youth workers to be in a position to combat social obstacles, deriving from issues of gender, sexual orientation, and mental health status, young people face. Stay tuned for more information on this exciting new project on our website!

Joining forces with the Municipality of Strovolos, we successfully held a summer school in Troodos to inform and educate middle and high school students about UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate action. The summer school, organised by our project Walk the Global Walk, provided an action packed alternative learning opportunity to the participants, 11 students and 3 teachers, providing them a better conception of the issues at hand as the capacity to take a more active stance and achieve meaningful change at their schools and local community.

The YOUTHShare project continues its work towards supporting unemployed young people in Cyprus by offering opportunities for professional and personal development. To achieve this, the YOUTHShare Key Account Manager, Ms Anna Michael, delivered a number of workshops to young people and youth workers, during September in Nicosia, Strovolos, and Derynia.

Having operated 47 classes around Cyprus, Geia Xara’s third programmatic period has successfully reached its conclusion. Over the course of this time, the project offered Greek language lessons to 500 migrant children and unaccompanied minors, making also available a range of online mini games to support them in their learning. Additionally, it initiated an innovative school-parents mediation service to link the two groups and support the communication between them.

Educators from the schools taking part in the UMARG project are now in the process of developing 20 Mobile Augmented Reality Games’ scenarios to promote digital and civic competences for sustainable development. Through the development of the scenarios and its overall work, the project seeks to exploit and promote the educational potential of Mobile Augmented Reality Games and contribute to enhancing students’ digital and civic competencies. All the scenarios to be developed will be available to all European educators through an open access repository, accessible through the project’s website.


Attracting, Hiring and Retaining Talent
Tue, OCT 20 2020, 09:00 AM @University of Nicosia (EU210)
On the 20th of October we will offer a hands-on practical workshop on the Talent Management for SMEs with a focus on Attracting, Hiring and Retaining Talent in the digital era. The workshop, organised as part of our project Talent 4.0, will be held at the University of Nicosia (Room EU210) and will offer HR professionals, managers and representatives of SMEs a unique opportunity to learn more about key concepts they need to be aware of when in the process of expanding their team of staff as well as to ensure they do not lose capable and valuable employees.

*Pease note that the workshop will be delivered in Greek. More info will soon follow through our website and social media accounts.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we did not have the chance to officially welcome Dr Panagiotis Kosma, the new Head of Education Unit in CARDET. Panagiotis joined CARDET in March 2020, but right before he was officially welcomed by his new team and new office, the coronavirus lockdown started. On 17th September, the Education Unit members surprised Panagiotis with a mini-welcome party, followed by a brief meeting. Welcome on board, dear Panagiotis!
As of this newsletter we are establishing a new column dedicated to our greatest asset, our people! Each month we will be introducing to you one of our team members. This month you Get to know… Ourania Miliou.


Ourania Miliou
Ourania has been involved in several research and development initiatives integrating digital tools in the curriculum. Her favourite project is eMysteries, which is currently running and is based on detective fiction, which is something she really enjoys as a genre. She is proud to be part of the amazing team involved in this project. Ourania is a creative individual with lots of energy that likes to pursue challenges. As a researcher, she is fascinated with the world of technology and how it can be used in teaching and learning. The areas that she is mostly drawn into are learning design, curriculum innovation, digital literacies, and technology-enhanced learning. In her personal time, she enjoys reading books, watching documentaries and movies, and going to the gym. Her main goal is to always try and exercise both body and mind!
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